Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Mad Genius

Today is the birthday of  Aramis Guisasola Valverde, "The Mad Genius." 


For Aramis Valverde 

March, 2002

Tears well up, from within, when the shaking of 

emotion creates waves of turmoil

on the placid sea of our souls.

They come from pain, from hurt, from the storms of love.

They come from loneliness, from loss and 

from grief

They come from fear,  from apprehension and from confusion.

But they can also come from thanks for a simple 

gesture of humanity,

And they come when a ray of hope breaks through the clouds of desperate times,

And they can also come from relief, as the 

last winds dissipate

and the storm gives way to the clarity of a 

star filled sky.

Mike Scanlon

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