Friday, March 6, 2009

State's Rights

I am very relieved that the astronomical controversy regarding the planetary status of Pluto has been resolved, at least in Illinois. You are aware of this; that it has been determined that our beloved Pluto (the planet, not the dog) has had it's qualifications questioned? There is the issue that if Pluto remains a planet then other occupants of the Kuiper belt must also be counted as such. Here is more than you ever wanted to know about all this. I personally prefer the inclusive solution of 23 planets, but then I am an Episcopalian.

You perhaps are asking what this has to do with state's rights? Well, it seems that the legislature of Illinois has stepped in and officially declared that Pluto is a plant; at least while it passes over Illinois! I assume it will swell with pride sufficient that it's size will increase the necessary amount. We then will be confronted by a constitutional crises: if Pluto is a planet in Illinois must it not be a planet in the rest of the states? You see, we've been so excited about Obama and now we discover that we may miss the unifying wisdom of Mr. Bush. I am sure he would issue an executive order circumventing the mean scientists.

Personally I see an opportunity for the homosexulists in Massachusetts  here. I propose that we enter into a treaty with Illinois stipulating that we will recognize Pluto as a planet if they will recognize same sex marriage! Then we could talk to Indiana about their idea of making Pi equal to 3. Think how much simpler that would make things.....



Carolyn Roosevelt said...

"...But then I am an Episcopalian."
Dude! wit that dry must have commercial applications-- you should look into it.

kennz said...

The physicist in me is cringing in horror...